Thursday, July 23, 2009

I love, love, love Newborn sessions.  It is so fun to pose these little ones, and try to get cool shots.  I love hearing the delivery stories, I get a little baby hungry, but then reality hits me, and I know I am not ready for #4.  So it is definitely fun to get to hold them and I always want to just snuggle them! But don't worry I do refrain!  Here are a few of the last newborn session I did.  
He is such a cutie! (can I say that about a boy?)


Char Olcott said...

That is one of the Most Adorable pictures I have ever seen! Isn't my grandson sooooo... Handsome!

Shannon Kaeding Photography said...

Great job. Love the golf bag pics. It is so fun to incorporate what the parents enjoy.